

A closer look at Cain's offspring has revealed something interesting: his fourth and fifth descendants bear a name ending with a suffix -el, Maiel (LXX, Mehujael, TM) and Matušael (TM, Methushael, Gn 4:18). This feature is meaningful from an Anatolian standpoint, because in the Hittite language it is used to build masculine ethnica out of toponyms. Examples are Arinnel or Hurmel. A tentative interpretation of the name of the fifth Cainite, Matušael - considered that LXX reads Matusala - may lead to the following segmentation: Mat-Uša-el, where the first part of this name would be the usual Assyrian determinative mat (status constructus of matu, "country") and the second one a well-known territory in the Hittite sources, usually located in the neighborhood of the modern Konya.

The Land of Nod - Nata - Homonadeis

Cain settles in the land of Nod after killing his brother and Nod (LXX, Naid, probably to be read as /Na:t/) can be usefully compared to Homonadeis, the name of an Isaurian tribe recorded by Strabo, located south-west of Konya, near Suğla Gölü (Lake Trogitis). Homonadeis can be segmented as Kome-Nata, that is the "territory of Nata", probably a Classical adaptation of the ancient Hittite upati (Gurney 1997: 128-129, 138), according to a well‑documented typology (Hansen 1995). In later sources, Homonadeis occurs also as Cumanadensis and this oscillation entitles to suppose that originally this region was Nata and to revoke in doubt "Pliny's precise notice" (Syme 1986: 160) about Homana as 'chief oppidum' of Homonadeis tribe. As for the sound change of κώμη into *homo-, it is attested in κωμόπολις, "village-town, i.e. a place not entitled to be called a πόλις, Str.12.2.6" (LSJ). More details can be found in KON 438, § 933, s.v. Omana. Also (Syme 1995: 256-269).